Signs represent information. We allow that information to be placed into a directory where it may be retrieved by consumers through the use of our app.
Your sign needs to be represented in our directory.
The Query-Point app uses geo-fencing and verbal commands, resulting in an immediate audio response. This allows potential clients that are nearby to learn what you and your company or entity, are about. Query-Point gives you an opportunity to reach them and present your business in a way no other voice recognition service can do.
While other voice recognition platforms will send the customer to a web search, we send them to you! First you are presented to the user through an audio file which is safer for clients that are driving, the NOW, and then simultaneously we present your business to them through shareable pictures, text and video, the LATER. Plus, users can embrace you by email, phone call or even text message, through the app, and your icon is in their history in the app for convenient reference.
App users may even save you in their “Favorites”.
And More
In most cases the basic service is Free.
The app is Free.
When consumers see the sign on your business, the sign in the yard or the subject on the billboard or bus bench, they speak the “keyword” into the app, (the name of the business, the name of the real estate agent or company, or the name of what is being advertised on the display) which then allows the consumer to hear your information as they pass by; information that you may update any time.
And for reaching those who don’t yet know about our app and our system, you also get a QR code that takes viewers to the same information. Use your QR code on signage or on printed materials.
Visit PDF Central to learn how to set up your own account and to learn more about the app.
Learn more about each of our directory categories:
Real Estate
Real Estate $79 per year for 10 portable listings. Leverage your sign to provide on demand audio and web based information to potential buyers. We are a universal app, not an app merely for real estate. Plus, your listing pin shows up on our app Map and the information you place may be changed at any time.
Keywords include the name of your company and the name of the agent(or other info sign that might appear) may also be used. When one listing sells, simply change the address on your Query-Point™ account to that of your new listing, change the house info, and place the sign. It is that simple. Plus, many MLS services will soon automatically load basic information automatically for you.
$ 79.00
/ year
per 10 active locations
Free service is also available
Query-Point makes it easy for consumers to interact with a billboard they see while on the road.
With a Geo-Fence of well over half of a mile, consumers have plenty of time to see the board and respond by speaking the “keyword” found on the board into the app.
Plus, with our app map pins, passersby can always look back and get information at their leisure.
Now when you as a consumer see that sign for an upcoming concert, that holiday cruise deal or that ad for preventing hair loss, you can act in the moment, connecting with the advertiser by phone or having the information available for use later in the day.
$ 200
/ month
per 10 billboard
Free service is also available
Bus Benches
Bus Benches provide us as consumers with a broad range of ideas, from upcoming events, to simple products for sale, to charities worthy of our notice
Display advertising surrounds us all in airports, arenas and kiosks on street corners. Imagine arriving to a new city and being able to immediately and easily reach out to what is behind those enticing “what to do” signs at the airport
Now consumers may respond in the moment, satisfying their curiosity and thirst for information. Perhaps being motivated to make a purchase, a reservation, or even a donation
$ 150
/ month
per 50 listings
Free service is also available
Display advertising
Display advertising surrounds us all in airports, arenas, malls, and street corner kiosks.
Imagine arriving in new city and being able to immediately and easily reach out to what is behind those enticing “what to do” signs at the airport.
Needing a special gift while wandering through a mall?
Now consumers may respond in the moment, satisfying their curiosity and thirst for information. Perhaps being motivated to make a purchase, a reservation, or even a donation. Consumers may say the name of the product or advertiser, or, simply say
"Hey, Display" and grab info from all of them within range. Consumers may also click on the pin in the app.
Simple and direct interaction.
$ 150
/ month
per 50 listings
Free service is also available
Local Business
Local Business is $79 per year for full service. It’s time to put your signage to work. Now by saying the name on your building consumers can hear directly from you. Tell them about your new make-up line, or tonight’s happy hour special. Then follow up by putting a coupon in the link that gets sent to the consumer through the app.
$ 79
/ year
Free service is also available
Historic Markers
Historic Markers can bring history to life. Users may say the title of the marker or, in most cases, “historic marker” and be connected to history. This is a great way for local history buffs to flesh out the markers in their back yard; Maybe get a well known celebrity to read the text out loud for the audio file.
$ 50
/ year
per 100 markers
Free service is also available
Now your house of worship can make it easy for seekers to learn more about you and your sanctuary, making it easier to take those first steps inside. Plus, current attendees can be reminded of what’s new whenever they drive by.
$ 40
/ year
Free service is also available
Federal, State and local government
Federal, State and local government agencies may empower all types of signs under their control. From local zoning signs, to “Welcome to My State” signs, to the brown information signs along the interstate system, all may be empowered with Query-Point™. Query-Point™ is an excellent enhancement for the new digital information signs found upon interstates in cities everywhere. Wading through construction zones might be more palatable if consumers knew more about what was being done and when it would be finished.
$ 10
/ month
per 50 listings per category
Contractor Service Businesses
How many times have you seen a little sign out in front of a neighbor’s house where they were getting work done and you said to yourself, I need to get the same type of work done. But by the time you get to the office you can’t remember what the name of that business was. Or if you do, you are not quite ready to call them and have someone give you the hard sell.
Now these type of businesses may empower their little signs with Query-Point and when you see one, as an app user you simply say the “keyword”, generally the name of the company, into the app and then listen to what the company says about itself. Plus you get pictures, text, video and methods of contact that allow you to reach out to them when and if you are ready.
If you do get to the office and wish you had connected, there will be a pin on the app’s Map that lasts for as long as they are working at that property, allowing you to grab the same information.
This is really handy for when you see companies installing windows, or painters, or HVAC companies and of course, grass and landscape companies.
$ 50
/ month
per 25 listings
Free service is also available
Pop ups
When you see a garage sale, are you sometimes curious about what they are offering? You see a car being sold in someone’s front yard and you wonder about the details?
With our Pop Up ad program those little signs people use to sell items often found on Craigslist may now be empowered with Query-Point. The “keyword” may be as simple as “for sale” or “estate sale” or “For Sale by Owner” or even “Craigslist”. School open house signs can easily be empowered with this service.
These are short-term ads, good for 10 days, and sellers may either get the free service, (text to speech audio, one picture, but can link to a Craigslist site) or our full service, which is $20 and allows them to post pictures and video.
This will, over time, become very handy as advertisers using this service also get a pin on our maps app, which makes it easy for consumers to scope out an area for garage sailing
$ 20
/ for 10 days
per listing
Free service is also available
Non-Profit Groups
Your keyword is the name of your group and/or your slogan. Your radius is your local community, ie, the area which you serve. This means your bumper stickers can remind someone of your charity; They say your slogan into the app, listen to your blurb, then may connect with you to make a donation. Make those bumper stickers and T-shirts pay for themselves
$ 20
/ month
Local Politicians
We all see the signs in people’s yards, indeed, may post signs in our own yard at election time.
Now you may hear the candidate taking a moment to speak directly to you, the consumer/voter. It is either their voice or that of their designated spokesperson telling you about a position on an issue, when the next rally is, and how they contrast with that other candidate. It gives voters a chance to listen, whenever they get the urge, to whatever candidate’s sign they see.
Local candidates are heard within 30 miles of the center of the city in which they are located, and regional and statewide candidates are heard within the boundaries of their state. National candidates may also empower their signs on a state-by-state basis.
Our intent is that this becomes a way for candidates to speak to voters when they are alone, without commercial interruption or distraction, listening in their car, home or office. We think of it as a modern, mobile version of a fireside chat or a mini TED talk.
$ 50
per category
State Politicians
We all see the signs in people’s yards, indeed, may post signs in our own yard at election time.
Now you may hear the candidate taking a moment to speak directly to you, the consumer/voter. It is either their voice or that of their designated spokesperson telling you about a position on an issue, when the next rally is, and how they contrast with that other candidate. It gives voters a chance to listen, whenever they get the urge, to whatever candidate’s sign they see.
Local candidates are heard within 30 miles of the center of the city in which they are located, and regional and statewide candidates are heard within the boundaries of their state. National candidates may also empower their signs on a state-by-state basis
Our intent is that this becomes a way for candidates to speak to voters when they are alone, without commercial interruption or distraction, listening in their car, home or office. Perhaps a modern, mobile version of a fireside chat.
$ 350
per category
I Support
“I Support” is a service that allows fans to support their team, alumni to support their school and congregations to promote themselves.
The system allows a centralized message to be put out at locations throughout the city or even throughout the country
Supporters provide their address to the program administrator, then place their support sign in their front yard, where it serves as an information point for app users that pass by. “Keyword” spoken is the name of the team or school, and there is also a pin on the app map. Short cut keyword is “Hey I Support”.
$ 50
/ month
per 150 locations
Remember My Life
Remember My Life is a service that allows a family to prepare in advance for the loss of a loved one.
It is meant as a means of organizing the story of a person’s life, through text and pictures; Plus, you may also post a video
Anyone with basic computer skills can serve as your administrator and even allow collaboration on the effort.
You sign up and get a website and a QR code that will always take you to the site. You may add and change material as often as you like
When you activate the account at the person’s passing, you have 14 days where you may have signs out to inform others. The QR code may be used as part of a service or an announcement, and continues to serve as a link to the website where it may be used on a headstone or urn
$ 50
/ for 14 days
active service
Lifetime Memorial QR