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Query Point for Historical Markers
Basic service is Free
Premium Service is $50 (plus applicable sales tax) per year per block of 100 markers

Query-Point® is a platform for getting information from signs of all types, through the use of our app, into the hands of consumers.
The app and service is always free to app users.
There is both a free and paid service for Historical Markers. Premium Service is $50 (plus applicable sales tax) per year per block of 100 markers.
The Query-Point app makes it easy to learn more about the history and historical sites that surround us.
How it works: The app user must be within 1200 feet of the marker. The app user may then say “Hey, Marker” or, if they know it, the title of the marker, and will get a response.
What info the app user receives:
Audio is always first. With the free service the app user hears our text to speech voice reading them the marker.
The user gets one picture, text to read, and may get one phone number to connect with the historical society, along with the society’s website and Facebook links.
With our Premium Service, the audio may be a recorded voice reading the marker text with music in the background.
There can be multiple pictures to view.
Contact points could include phone, text, and email.
Video can be posted. Additionally there may be links to several websites and to multiple social media pages.
All markers in the directory get an icon in the app map for safety and convenience. Each gets a printable QR code leading to the same information. Each directory listing is easily shared.
After you create your account, there is a template for you to download and use to organize your information in blocks of 100 markers. Once the information is loaded into the template, then uploaded to your account, your markers will be automatically turned on at our basic level of service.
The data is organized for submission to us in a format that we adapted from that used in Nashville TN.
Full-Service accounts may then add pictures, video, audio files along with more text and contact links.
Enlist your local history buffs to bring your local history to life!
About the system: Query-Point uses the fixed GPS location of a location or sign, and compares that to the moving GPS location of the user using our app. When the two locations come within range of each other (called a geo-fence), the system can respond to the person speaking keywords into the app; the system then provides an audio response along with other data being sent through to the app to the consumer